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Webinar Participants!

Take a few minutes to peruse the “Frequently Asked Questions” below; they will, in some form, predict the content of the event.


What is the purpose and goal of this webinar?

 Who is this Webinar for?

I’m an actor, not a producer; how will this webinar help me?

What is virtual theater and why was it created?

Who are the audience for virtual theater?

Why should I get involved in virtual theater?

What do I need to know or be able to do to succeed in virtual theater?

What is “success” in Virtual Theater?

How would you describe the “state-of-the-art” of virtual/Zoom Theater?

What are the pros and cons virtual theater?

What are the pros and cons producing virtual theater on ZOOM?

Can I participate in virtual theater from anywhere at all?

How do I video-record Zoom sessions within Zoom?

What technology do I need to participate in virtual theater?

How much space do I need to participate in virtual theater?

How do I set-up my Technology and Performance space in my location?

How do I produce musicals on Zoom?

How do I acquire, import, and use Zoom background images?

What are the options for visual presentation on Zoom?

How do I handle scripts that require staging beyond the “head-shot” approach?

Can I switch from speaker view to gallery view, vice versa, within a production?

What are the “affordances” (what can be done) 
and the “constraints” (what can’t be done) on Zoom?

Can I make money in Virtual Theater?

Does it cost me money to work in virtual theater?

I’m a teacher; how do I use virtual theater to accomplish my curricular and professional goals with my students?

How do I find and recruit collaborators (actors, techies, directors, etc.) for my zoom projects?

I’m a playwright; how do I develop a new script for virtual theater or adapt old one?

What are the steps or stages in taking a play from script to virtual stage?  

What are the pros and cons of live real time performances vs pre-recorded streaming?

 How do I achieve my goals and aspiration and promote my own success?

I’m a playwright; how do I work with actors in virtual theater?

How do I best communicate with other participants in Zoom theater productions?

How do I best manage time and timing in Zoom theater productions?

How do I manage human emotions, my own and other’s in Zoom theater productions?

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