Cast & Synopsis


  Lisa, Soprano I
Erica, Soprano II
Brittany, Alto I
Rachel, Alto II
Graham, Tenor I
Jake, Tenor II
Miles, Baritone I
Jason, Baritone II

*NOTE: The character names given here are “placeholders.” 
It is the intention that, when performed, singers will use their real names 
consistent with the goal of personalizing this work for audiences.



The People, eight (or more) men and women,either recent immigrants or whose ancestors were immigrants who came to America in pursuit of “life, liberty, happiness and the American Dream,” interact directly with the audience. The traditional “4th wall” is not just broken but eliminated. Characters speak to the audience and the audience becomes, in effect, the 9th actor with opportunities to sing along at designated points in the musical score.

ACT I: THE PEOPLE  begins with “Power to the People,” a song inspired by the original meaning of the word "democracy" which comes from the Greek words demos, meaning people, and kratos, meaning power, Power to the People," then continues with “We Are the People,” a reminder to the audience that “we” (actors and audience) are “The People,” and ending “Democracy’s Child,” an affirmation of that all of us were born and brought up in a democracy and have enjoyed the benefits all our lives.

Act II: FREEDOM highlights the freedoms granted to the American people by the Constitution and basic human rights. Songs are “Freedom,” (the right to speak, act and change as one wants without hindrance or restraint); “Extra, Extra, Read All About It,” (freedom of the press), “It’s My Body,” (the right to bodily autonomy), “Love Who You Love,” (the right to marry  regardless of gender); “Come Together” (freedom of assembly and protest); “Should I Pray,” (freedom of religion); and, “I’m Speakin’ Up,” (freedom of speech).

ACT III: DANGER focuses on the threats to democracy and how many people live in fear. Songs are: “I’m Afraid,” “Dance of the Autocrats,” “Fake News,” and “Don’t Be Afraid.”

ACT IV: NATION imagines a re-emergence of America as the bastion of democracy in the world where all the people enjoy equality and inclusion in the American Dream. Song are “Crossing Over,” (overcoming the dangers); “Diversity,” “Equity,” “Justice,” (highlighting fundamental principles of democracy); “Revenge of the Autocrats,” (a reminder that dangers still abound); and closing with “Like the Phoenix,” (an anthem of courage to rise from the ashes).

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