“No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise.
Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government
except for all those other[s]...” 

Winston Churchill (source)

“Democracy: An American Musical” (also a Concert Cantata for Solos and S.A.T.B. Chorus) is currently being composed and written to  illuminate the promise, practice, imperfection, and opportunity of democracy. I  encourage my fellow citizens to defend and support democracy in any way they can. There are anti-democracy forces seeking to fundamentally change our representative republic from democracy to autocracy or even theocracy. It is my goal to create a musical work that not only engages and entertains audiences but reaches deep into their emotional core with a non-partisan message that we cannot take democracy for granted, it is something that must be continually defended and supported. 

On these pages I will share my progress in the creative process with regular updates.

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